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During the Summer

Here are five things you could do this summer that will better prepare you for a career in accounting:


1. Research deadlines for externships, internships, summer leadership programs, and full-time jobs. Chances are, they will be just around the corner during Fall quarter, and interviews may conflict with other events you may attend. 


2. Optimize your resume, have it critiqued by others, and create a LinkedIn profile. 


3. Research a topic that is important in the industry (Tax, Audit, etc.) you want to work in.


4. Look at some of the annual reports of firms that you want to join to become more familiarized with financials. You can really learn a lot about the firms, what they value and the initiatives they're trying to accomplish. It's like a 10-k for a firm, and can be useful to determine if the firm you're going for is a good fit for you. Here are some examples:









5. Go to all of the Summer networking events that you can get to. We will be active in helping you find them, and will send notifications about any upcoming events via email and Facebook. 

Please feel free to contact us at or if you have any questions! 

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