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The In-House Interview

All of the information that you will need is in the "Interview Guide" file provided above.


Again, be relaxed and confident after preparation; if you have gotten an offer to come to an in-house interview, it means that you are qualified, but the recruiter wants to see how you act in person.

You will usually be assigned a associate to guide you from room to room. Be friendly to him or her, because he or she is part of the recruiting process.


You will be interviewed (usually) by two managers/directors and a partner. You will be asked 3 - 5 behavioral questions and then will be given about 30 - 40 minutes to ask your own questions. This is an opportunity to ask them anything you want, so make sure you come up with questions before hand to ask them (again, examples are in the file above). If you would like to, you can even ask manager or partner specific questions.


After your interview, the firm will most likely take you to lunch. This is not the time to check your phone, talk with your mouth full, or act completely relaxed. This is still a professional setting, and a secondary test to see how you are outside of a work setting (especially in a restaurant setting).


Finally, thank everyone that interviews you, and talked to you during the interview. A thank you goes a long way (again, look at the file above).

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